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Access and Safety Work Management Solution

Product overview

ViSiCa is an access management solution that provides access management for visitors, eliminates
security risks caused by indiscriminate access, and prevents internal data leakage by control of
smartphones that are brought into company premises.


  • From visitor access management to safety work management
    - Provide management of visitor access and safety work permit simultaneously
    - Reinforce management system for each type of access/work
  • Improve management convenience and business efficiency
    - Improve management convenience of visit/work history
    - Improve business efficiency by computerizing information sharing for relevant persons
  • Prevent internal data leakage
    - Reinforce identity verification of visitors
    - Control of the functions of smartphones brought into company premises(with MoBiCa)

Visitor access management process

Provide visitor access management process through visit application and approval process

좌우로 페이지를 넘겨서 내용을 확인하세요.

Safety work management process

Provide safety training, security pledge management function, and work management process for a safe working environment

좌우로 페이지를 넘겨서 내용을 확인하세요.

Product certification

GS certificate